Increasing Resilience and Wellbeing Training

We empower your team to maximise their potential by providing support, skills and strategies to reduce stress and anxiety while building resilience and wellbeing. We equip your employees with a toolkit to de-stress, relax and recharge. We combine principles from Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Positive Psychology Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Mindfulness, which are proven to increase resilience and wellbeing. Our Workplace Stress Management and Resilience Training Courses are available face-to-face and online and tailored to meet organisational needs and empower teams to transcend obstacles and thrive.

Why Increase Resilience and Wellbeing?

Implementing stress reduction and relaxation strategies is essential for improving our mental, physical and emotional health. With chronic stress linked to anxiety disorders, addiction, depression, digestive issues, sleeping difficulties and lower immune functioning, it’s no wonder the World Health Organisation has dubbed it “the epidemic of the 21st Century”. 

Building resilience is also essential for promoting workplace wellness. Employees who have effective stress management methods have increased morale, performance, productivity, cooperation and collaboration. Furthermore, they have reduced absenteeism, accidents and are less distracted and reactive.

Resilience Training Course Content Includes:

  • Exploring resilience, well-being, and influential factors
  • Stress/anxiety impacts on mental and physical health
  • Identifying causes, effects, and responses to stress
  • Applying CBT to increase resilience and well-being
  • Reframing and using affirmation techniques to build positive mindsets
  • Exploring Positive Psychology Principles
  • Mindfulness Principles and Practices
  • Self-care Strategies to rest and recharge
  • Guided Relaxations and Meditations
  • Deep Breathing and Visualisation Techniques
  • Time Management Techniques
  • Tips to improve nutrition and sleep

Mindfulness Principles and Practices

Practising mindfulness is hugely beneficial for improving mental, emotional and physical health, as it helps reduce stress, anxiety, anger and depression while improving calmness, concentration and sleep. When learning to slow down and live in the moment, we are less stressed, more creative and more connected to ourselves and others. We empower your team by awakening their awareness and equipping them with tools that promote positive mindsets and present-moment experiences.

Exploring Our Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Course

This program combines mindfulness-based stress reduction principles with guided meditations to help your team relax, rejuvenate, and reset. It is facilitated as a “stand-alone” course or offered with Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Positive Psychology modules for an ultimate wellness workshop.

Course content includes:

  • Defining and exploring mindfulness
  • Benefits of Mindfulness for mental and physical health
  • Tips to create a calm space and improve practice
  • Using Sensory Systems to anchor in the present
  • Deep Breathing benefits and exercises
  • Visualisation and Affirmation Techniques
  • Grounding Methods and Meditations
  • Stress Release Meditations
  • Applying the 3-2-1 Method for Reducing Anxiety
  • Methods and Meditations for improving sleep

How to Contact Us for Expert Psychotherapy Services in Dublin


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Holistic Counselling and Psychotherapy Experiences

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